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Navigating financial uncertainty: Restructuring solutions for food and beverage processors

Navigating financial uncertainty: Restructuring solutions for food and beverage processors

5 Minute Read

Canada’s food and beverage processors play a crucial role in our economy, but they face complex logistical and financial hurdles. To weather the storm, embracing restructuring solutions is essential.

This article covers:

  • The causes of financial uncertainty
  • The role of a financial services provider
  • Restructuring options
  • Why you need to act now
National Leader, Food & Beverage Processing

Canada’s food and beverage processors are far more than what we put on our plates — they are a vital part of our nation’s economy.

The agri-food industry accounts for one in nine jobs and nearly eight percent of our country’s GDP. But behind the refreshing drinks and nourishing foods is a complex web of logistical and financial challenges that need strategic foresight and courageous leadership.

Whether you’re a food processor, a restaurant owner, or a national food wholesaler, your business has likely felt the ripples of economic fluctuations. You may be fighting a complex battle between the evolving retail dynamics, labour shortages, pricing inflation, and supply chain challenges.

Despite your best efforts, sometimes you’re fighting a losing the battle. And to successfully navigate those difficult times, you need support.

With limited options, business leaders face difficult decisions. But by engaging a restructuring professional, new opportunities can be discovered. By embracing restructuring solutions, your business stands a chance of weathering this storm.

Understanding the challenges ahead

The statistics speak for themselves. The food and beverage industry saw a significant increase in insolvencies in 2023, with 100 filings for bankruptcy or proposal in the food, beverage and tobacco product manufacturing sector, as per the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy. The numbers for 2024 saw even more increases, with 112 percent more restaurant bankruptcies than in January 2023.

But the actual numbers are just the beginning of the story, as there are many businesses that are still in dire need of assistance.

The sector is one of the most at risk when it comes to external impacts — like market fluctuations, trade disputes, climate change, consumer activations, and pandemics. But when you look beneath the surface, there lurks a variety of financial, operational, and strategic factors driving this downturn:

Financial causes

  • High fixed costs, low margins
  • Lack of access to capital
  • Overexpansion

Operational causes

  • Poor management
  • Lack of innovation
  • Supply chain issues
  • Regulatory and compliance issues

Strategic causes

  • Lack of differentiation
  • Lack of diversification
  • Lack of adaption
  • Lack of collaboration

Looking ahead to the remainder of 2024, the forecast remains uncertain. Steady inflation and interest rates continue to drive price increases and borrowing costs for business owners and retailers. This, in turn, impacts capital investment, inventory levels, and net profitability for businesses like yours.

Partners in progress

In moments of financial turmoil, it is critical to engage with a trusted advisor like a restructuring professional.

These experts aim to help you steer your business through financial challenges and regain the stability needed to for operational health. By facilitating tough discussions, challenging assumptions, and helping your enterprise press on through adversity, the right advisor can often be the difference in whether your business can overcome challenging situations.

Moreover, when financial challenges are laid bare, these professionals ensure you are equipped to navigate the restructuring process with confidence.

A pathway to revitalization

During financial crises, restructuring isn’t just a safety net — it becomes a strategic imperative. It enables you to sift through setbacks and preserve the core viability of your business.

Restructuring empowers you to take greater control over your financial destiny, rather than be left powerless to creditors or market conditions. However, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution, but a tailored approach to address the unique challenges and opportunities your business faces.

Consider these six restructuring avenues if your business finds itself in financial jeopardy:

Debt restructuring

By renegotiating existing debt terms, you can alleviate financial burdens and enhance cash flow. This may involve extending repayment timelines, reducing interest rates, or even partial debt forgiveness.

Asset sales

Divesting non-core or underperforming assets can inject liquidity and streamline operations. This could entail selling surplus inventory, unused equipment, or underperforming business units.

Mergers and acquisitions

Joining forces with or acquiring another company can facilitate strategic objectives such as market share expansion or product diversification.

Strategic partnerships and collaborations

By forging alliances with complementary enterprises, your business can leverage strengths, pool resources, and pursue mutual growth. This might entail joint ventures, co-branding initiatives, or supply chain partnerships.

Operational restructuring

Optimizing internal processes and workflows can enhance efficiencies, trim costs, and bolster competitiveness. This could involve staffing realignments, production workflow redesign, or technology integration.

Equity financing

Raising capital through the issuance of new shares or seeking external investment can provide a financial boost to support growth initiatives or debt repayment.

Time is of the essence

Engaging a restructuring professional at the outset of financial distress is paramount. It’s also easier said than done.

In today’s financial landscape, it’s understandable that business owners may feel hesitant or overwhelmed at the idea of seeking help. Many of them are facing mounting debts, increasing uncertainty, and countless potential outcomes. However, delaying help until the eleventh hour limits their options and decreases the upside potential of assistance.

Timely intervention is not just about averting bankruptcy, it enhances opportunity and unlocks potential benefits in an otherwise challenging situation. By confronting financial challenges head-on, business owners can capitalize on emerging trends, and position their business for sustainable growth.

Our team can help

Looking to explore restructuring solutions tailored specifically to your food and beverage business? Connect with a specialist from our Food and Beverage Processing team to learn about the options and opportunities available to your industry.

Our team brings together top-tier insights with expertise spanning corporate finance, digital solutions, and performance improvement. With the right support, your business can navigate the complexities of restructuring and emerge stronger in the face of economic challenges. 

Matt MacDonald MBA

National Leader, Food & Beverage Processing


[email protected]


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